Well, what the BMI says about the human race is that we like to complicate matters a lot. But, jokes apart, the BMI is an index or a measure of your body’s mass, divided by your height. So, it essentially measures whether you weight more or less than is recommended for your height.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Range

A normal body mass index ranges from 18.5 to 24.9. Overweight is defined as having an index of 25 to 29.9. A BMI equal or greater than 30 is considered obese and less than 18 is considered to be underweight. You can calculate your body mass index with a very simple formula, which is your weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared: kg/m2.

BMI says about you

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Are You Overweight?

So does a higher BMI mean you are overweight? Not necessarily. The BMI only measures Body Mass, as indicated by your weight. As we know, that would mean your total weight. So BMI does not calculate your fat and muscle percentage, and these two are actually more crucial for your health. Another important factor that may change your weight and is not disclosed by BMI: Bones. Bone density is known to be different from culture to culture and even based on gender.

High BMI does not mean being overweight

Therefore, while the BMI may tell you that you weigh more for your height than a sample of weight-healthy individuals, it does not tell you where your weight comes from. If it is your muscle mass and your bone density that contribute to the weight, then you actually have very little, if at all any fat to lose. But usually, a BMI over 30 definitely indicates that at least some excess fat is there, which may be harmful for health.

Perfect BMI

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Where Does The Risk Lie?

Where you carry your weight also matters. If you are growing in the middle, you are at a much bigger risk than say, if you were putting on fat on arms or legs. So if you have a pear shaped body, you may want to check what’s happening. For grown men, the waist circumference should be less than 40 inches, and for women, less than 35 inches. That said, it is also best to add other indicators and find out what the numbers mean.


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What Is BMR?

Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is the rate at which your body burns fat for energy. If you have a low BMR combined with a high BMI, you definitely have a fat-gain problem, which could put you at risk for heart disease and other health issues as well. BMR is measured using the Harris Benedict equation, which is as follows for men and women:

Men: BMR = 66.5 + ( 13.75 x weight in kg ) + ( 5.003 x height in cm ) – ( 6.755 x age in years )

Women: BMR = BMR = 655.1 + ( 9.563 x weight in kg ) + ( 1.850 x height in cm ) – ( 4.676 x age in years )

OR, you could just use the many free BMR calculators available online!

Being aware of ideal body shapes will help you stay healthy, live longer without health complications. Do check today.

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