Logos have always played an extremely significant role in the brand identity of a company. Many a times we forget the company’s name but never the logo. Be is Nike’s Tickmark or ING’s lion we never fail to get recognize the brand.

Lot of attention is paid while designing the logo for a company. Every stroke, strike, curve, colour, mark has a meaning and message to convey. Professional designers are paid in millions for getting the message right. However, it is a work of creativity and attention to detail. Same is the reason that several contests are launched every now and then. Companies look for out of the box thinkers and where else can they be found if not in drawing/designing competitions.

Some 3 decades ago one such discovery was done by Nike. It was just an ordinary competition when Nike found the design of the tickmark drawn by a young man. Yes, rest was history for the logo and for the brand.

Do you know, Facebook came up with the short F symbol much after the launch of the company? Google too changed its logo design font very recently. With time, every company keeps updating their design to continue with the brand identity. Hope you will like this short quiz designed for you.

Take this short logo quiz to see how many brands can you identify with by just seeing the logo.

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